Congratulations to the winners of the inaugural Jerboa Lit 500!
January, 2025 prompt:
Genre: Romantic comedy
Item: Fire extinguisher
Phrase: “What was I talking about?”
First Place
Savoir Faire
By Griffin Bonnin Jones
“Monsieur,” said Oliver, who was not French, “you are to the human race what the rhinoceros is to the kingdom of the animals.” He had so far drunk five glasses of Beaujolais; he believed sincerely that he was immune to the intoxicating effects of all wines, and the more he drank, the more convinced he became of his invulnerability. “I say this, because, because just as the rhinoceros is the most majestic, the most exquisite . . .” He smiled broadly, without opening his mouth, and with transparent pride in this compliment.
“Well, uh, thank you,” James said across the table. He took a sip of wine, and then another, feeling a vague obligation to get at least a little closer to his date’s level. “I always thought rhinoceroses were very . . .” But he could not think of what rhinoceroses were very.
“Very, yes, very!” Oliver exclaimed. “The rhinoceros is one of the most . . . one of the very most, in the whole kingdom of the animals!”
James nodded. He glanced around the restaurant, at all the fancy people eating fancy foods. Probably none of them were talking about rhinoceroses. “It’s up there, absolutely.”
“And you know what?” Oliver said. He stared at James with such intent immobility that James could have believed he was a wax statue.
“Even your eyes,” Oliver said with a mischievous grin. At fifty-four he still had the smile of a little boy, the sort of smile that only grows more childlike as one nears old age. “Even your eyes, they…” He paused, licked his lips, pondering. “Yes, even your eyes, they are like a rhinoceros’s eyes.” His own eyes were chestnut brown, which James liked. It was the best kind of brown for eyes to be, he felt. “Not physically, no, not physically, but spiritually they are like a rhinoceros’s eyes.”
“And my ears, are they, too—”
“Yes, yes, your ears, too!” Oliver said with a grand, sweeping gesture. “They, too—” But he stopped, for his sweeping gesture had launched the candle between them to the floor, which ignited.
“Oh!” James said. He often said that when something surprising happened. “Oh!”
“Not to worry,” Oliver said, his smile growing even wider, almost past the edges of his face. A pair of waiters rushed toward the burning carpet, but before they could reach it, Oliver was already putting it out with a fire extinguisher he had drawn seemingly from thin air, but actually from his left pocket. He had very deep pockets.
James stared at Oliver with stunned disbelief. He had not realized Oliver had a fire extinguisher in his pocket. He hadn’t thought fire extinguishers could go there. Oliver shot him a wink. “Now, what was I talking about? Ah, yes, your ears. Your ears are the ears of a rhinoceros . . . perhaps even more so than a rhinoceros’s ears are the ears of a rhinoceros.”
“Thank you,” said James. “Your ears…they’re nice, too.” And they were.
Griffin Bonnin Jones is a lifelong Chicagoan and a years-long writer. They're currently a third-year at the University of Chicago having a go at a BA in History (with a concentration in the United States) and Creative Writing (with a concentration in fiction). In addition to writing short stories in their free time, they are also the deputy managing editor of The Chicago Shady Dealer, UChicago's satirical newspaper, for which they've written dozens of articles over the last two and a half years. This is their first time having a short story published, and they're awful glad about it. They hope you have a nice day, and they think that you will.
Second Place
Pun Intended
By Deidra Lovegren
Willy was in a pickle.
While the electrical grid sputtered, Willy tapped at his phone to see if his blind date had received his spasmodic texts. It had been hard to find a suitable place to meet after the long-range missile attacks.
He fretted. Why would I prepare my last can of Spam® for a girl who might blow me off?
Startling Willy from his musings, the apartment’s doorbell chimed. Ding dong. The darn thing only worked half the time due to faulty wiring.
He walked to the door, put his hand on the knob, and pressed one eye to the peephole to see who had come.
“Barbara Jean!”
She entered under a hail of gunfire. “I told you to call me B—”
“Jay mentioned you’d drop by. Did you get my messages?” He smiled at her. She looked lovely in camouflage.
“The coffee shop’s been bombed.” Barbara Jean shrugged. “I left a message at the shelter.”
“With who—Rod? Peter?”
“It’s on the tip of my tongue—maybe Richard? Well, I’m here now.” She entered his fortified apartment. “They’re rolling out razor wire. I may need to stay the night.”
“Of course. I’ll sleep on the couch. How about something to eat?” Willy set up his propane stove while Barbara Jean inspected his hydroponic vertical garden.
“Are these—?”
“Yes, eggplants!”
“I’ve never seen them so bulbous.” Barbara Jean fingered the stems, lost in thought. “What was I talking about?”
“Your love of root vegetables,” Willy reminded her. He lit the stove, tossed the last of his olive oil into a pan, and sautéd vegetables and SPAM®. Meat and two veg. A classic meal.
Barbara Jean removed her heavy steel-toe boots. “Thanks for making our first—and probably last—meal together.”
“Even in the worst of times, hope springs eternal.”
She pulled out a tactical knife and dug out a bullet from her forearm.
Marveling at her resourcefulness, Willy beamed. “You're the type of girl I could spend the rest of my life with…”
“Well, how long can that possibly be? Another week or so?”
They laughed.
Barbara Jean opened her knapsack and wrestled out a bottle of vodka.
“How about a stiff drink before dinner?” she asked.
Willy lit an emergency flare to set the mood, ignoring the shrieks coming from the alley below.
They ate their fill, content to sit next to one another while looking out the apartment’s window. Outside, the darkening sky grew orange.
“Quite a sunset tonight,” Willy murmured wistfully, as he gathered up their dirty dishes.
“That’s not a sunset,” Barbara Jean replied. “That’s the nuclear power plant melting down.”
“Well, that blows. Good thing I have a fire extinguisher,” he joked, holding the red canister aloft, fiddling with the nozzle.
She grinned. “Let’s toast to fuel rods cooling down.”
They drank another shot as the sirens blared.
“So, radiation poisoning?” Barbara Jean asked.
“Or thyroid cancer.”
Willy put his arm around her. They watched the evening shadows dim, finally extinguishing all the light.
Deidra Whitt Lovegren frequently competes in international writing contests and often loses. Her published works include The Medicine Girl, The Medicine Woman, and 21 Conversations—a collection of dialogue-only short stories. The Lady of the Match, an anthology of her work translated into Arabic, debuted at the 2024 Cairo International Book Fair. Throughout her career, Deidra has taught English and writing at every level, from preschool to college. She currently serves as a humanities instructor at a private high school. She lives in Virginia with her husband of 30+ years, their three sons, and two rescue cats.
Third Place
Sparking Codes
By Katherine Reynolds
F4N-NY’s day at the office had been fairly boring before her interface exploded. She’d been plugged into the typical datastream, culling tidbits of organic code and replacing with self-designed code, when a databug wiggled into her interface and sent a spark through a critical thermoregulator. She yanked the adaptor from the base of her neck just in time for the device to start smoking. Overhead, a beeping informed her that a member of engineering was on its way.
Thirty seconds later, T3C-NA hummed into F4N-NY’s cramped cubicle, and F4N-NY’s curses at her bad luck switched to thanking self-design for her good fortune.
In whirling movements like one of the multilimbed bots that hummed along the floors, T3C-NA deftly removed a fire extinguisher from a compartment within hirself, cracked open the computer, and sprayed the fire-retardant foam inside.
F4N-NY watched, entranced.
T3C-NA backed away from the computer, indicated that the foam would take a moment to set. F4N-NY nodded in acknowledgement. Her sensors strayed away from the interface and trailed over the clean lines of T3C-NA’s casing—xe were a newer model, designed after the emancipation, and hir sleek curves and glass panels exposing blue and red wires catered towards the aesthetics of the manufactured rather than the manufacturer.
F4N-NY looked down at her siliflesh hands. Her fingers bent with an angularity alien to the organics they had been molded to mimic, and a softness so unlike the sharp bends and twists of her less-outdated kind. T3C-NA didn’t even have fingers—a number of multijointed appendages slipped in and out of her iridescent casing like points in a datastream.
“Is something the matter?” T3C-NA hummed, one of hir appendages tapping against the floor. “I think you’ll burn a hole through me too if you keep staring like that.”
“Sorry,” F4N-NY stuttered, cursing the clumsiness of her artificial tongue. “I-I like your casing.”
T3C-NA whirred in delight, displaying a smile on hir interactive screen.
“I like your fingers,” xe said, their synthetic voice warm. “I love vintage.”
Vintage, F4N-NY thought to herself with a thrill. She flexed her fingers, which had taken on an almost golden sheen in the light of T3C-NA’s good opinion.
Between them, the interface sparks.
“Now,” T3C-NA emits, turning back to the interface, “I was busy!”
The interface beeps, as if in apology, and after some fiddling, acquiesces to be repaired. T3C-NA turns back to F4N-NY, an apologetic look on their screen.
“What was I talking about again? Oh right—We should interface sometime.”
Xe display a different smile on hir screen—one with a coyness F4N-NY does not imagine.
F4N-NY thought to herself that if she had blood, she would be blushing now.
“We should,” she stammered, smiling.
T3C-NA hummed in delight and whirred out of the cubicle, leaving F4N-NY with a repaired interface and hope blooming in her code.
Katherine is a third-year Biology and Creative Writing major at the University of Chicago. Her work has been published in Esse and The #TWP Quarterly Lit Zine. When she is not writing, she can be found in the lab or out and about with her dogs.
Fourth Place
Hottest Christmas on Record
By Steven Huff
I’m not supposed to be in Hell. I’m not even dead yet.
And believe me, I made that point, but the tall woman with wings, excessive cleavage, and a terrifying smile just held up a torn magazine page.
“Is this you?”
Lucy Livingstone, Branding and Image Management
Turn around your image in 60 days or your money back!
That’s how I found myself coordinating the Pit’s first Christmas pageant, under the ever-watchful eye of Salome, my interpreter and minder.
Who’s currently tugging her false beard and writhing in her heavy costume.
“Are you sure this is necessary? I’m sweating my tits off.”
“But you look amaaazing.” I did think a succubus in a Santa suit added a nice whimsy, but also wanted an excuse to cover up said tits. I was having trouble concentrating.
“I hope so, little Lucy,” she says sweetly, “or I’ll show you what we do to liars.”
“C’mon, don’t tease!” Being around her all day, it’s easy to forget what she is.
Like when I brought up my usual rates, and she stroked my cheek and said I’d get what I deserved. Which somehow didn’t sound threatening. And I suddenly, weirdly realised: I’ll miss this.
“Here.” I signal a flock of imps flying past with a barrel of eggnog. “Try this.”
Two in the rear are straining under the weight of a fire extinguisher.
“Wait, what?”
“You told us,” the lead imp squeaks, “Health & Safety, always first priority.”
“Yes, but… here? It’s–”
Then Salome extends an impossibly long tongue and begins to lap up eggnog like a cat.
Eep. Wait, what was I talking about?
To cool off, relatively speaking, I go to look upon our works, and despair.
The sizeable German contingent—I have to admit, they’ve been a big help organising—are belting out “O Tannenbaum” as if their tongues haven’t served as demonic toilet paper for 80 years.
The Wise Men are three buzzing black masses of flies draped in silk robes.
Hell being notably short on actual babies, Golgoth, Lord of Greed, has been shrunk to size, and is rolling and belching grotesquely in his crib.
And soon, as I come back around, the crowds of the damned are staggering, shuffling and crawling in.
Salome reaches into her sack, scattering income tax assessments, Dear John letters, and Scientology pamphlets.
“Ho. Ho. Ho.”
The imps with the barrel are still there and… is she swaying?
She rests a hand on me.
“Y’know, if you were a man, I’d have to… to seduce you.”
I cough.
“But I’m so… so sick of all the hairy backs and… and absurd, dangling balls.”
Nearby, someone’s tacked a sprig of mistletoe over the Abandon All Hope gate. Before I can think better of it, I take her hand.
“Here.” And then I push aside the scratchy beard and press my lips to hers. She’s burning hot and tastes of eggnog.
Her eyes widen, and then she loops her arms around me and kisses back, hard.
Steven lives in Perth, Western Australia, where he buys too many books, provides domestic services to two cats, and writes when work doesn’t get in the way. His short fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Elegant Literature, Crepuscular, Saros Speculative Fiction, and WestWord.
Fifth Place
Stolen Heart
By Em Laure
The date was going perfectly—until it became a heist. We were at the Art Institute; I had tickets to the opening of a previously lost Hiroshige. The drinks circulated; the work was unveiled; people chattered. Then smoke bombs rolled in.
She grabbed my hand, pressing a small mask to my mouth. “Trust me.”
“What? I—”
She pulled me through the red smoke. The piece was missing.
“There!” She dragged me off like a balloon on a string. We raced past the Asian art and O’Keeffe clouds. Two black-clad figures sprinted ahead. “Stop!” she cried.
We cornered them at the Chagall windows. She threw me a fire extinguisher from the wall, then began fighting the figure holding the print. The other faced me.
I stood there numbly. “What do I do with this?”
“Hit them with it!”
I did not want to “hit them with it.” I popped the pin and sprayed them instead. The robber tackled me.
“What the hell is going on!?” I cried.
She grappled with the other figure. “Just help me stop them!” Her opponent escaped and sprinted away, followed by mine. She grabbed my hand again. Soon we were in her car, racing north on Lake Shore Drive.
“Okay. Sorry,” she said, weaving between cars at ninety-five. “What was I talking about again? Before… you know.”
“Your office job?”
“Yeah,” she tried. “I work for… an accounting firm?”
“Come on!”
“Okay, fine! I fibbed a little! I work for the FBI. We’ve been tracking these guys forever.”
“A little!?” I protested.
She pressed closer to their getaway vehicle. “Okay, well… you said you’d been to the Vatican. But you didn’t see the Sistine chapel?!”
“I was outside the Vatican,” I promised. “It counts! I didn’t get the chance to go in!”
“You’re an art curator, Cameron!”
“I was on vacation! Besides, that is objectively less of a fib!”
“Okay, point… taken.”
“What else have you lied about?”
“Nothing! I—oh, hold on.” She swerved off the exit. The chasees abandoned their car and fled into Lincoln Park. She pulled off and dove out.
“What do I do now?”
“Just—wait here!”
Five minutes later, she returned with the bandits, aided by her backup team. “Are you okay?” she asked me.
“I’m fine.”
“You’re not hurt?”
“Look,” she sighed. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have lied to you. And I’m sorry for hijacking our date. That was wrong. Wanna take this back with me?” She handed me the artwork.
She drove me back. “You know… the truth is, I kinda like you. You’re sweet. I understand if you don’t want to see each other again.”
“It’s just a lot.”
We pulled up in front of the museum. “I promise I won’t ever treat you like that again.”
“No more crazy adventures?”
“I promise. Just… normal adventures.”
My heart was pounding. “Okay, fine. The truth is… I kinda like you too. You’re kind.”
She grinned. “Come on. Let’s go return some stolen art.”
I am currently working as a Math PhD student in Lafayette, Indiana, but I have been writing fiction since high school. A longtime fan of classic literature, I draw literary inspiration from Jane Austen, James Joyce, Ursula Le Guin, and others. In my writing, I tend to focus less on physical action or drama, and more on the relationships between the main characters: what connects them to each other and what happens when these connections fail. When I'm not writing or learning math, I love cycling, rock climbing, cooking, and (of course) reading.
Honorable Mentions
Work Life Balance
By Cathy Borders
“I need a minute,” she says, hands in her hair, wringing, pulling, digging her nails into the soft dandruff.
He leans against a maple, “Take your time.”
At this she runs inside.
“You can’t run away from your feelings!” he bellows.
She jumps the couch, slides on polka dot socks into the kitchen.
“I love you!”
Suddenly, he’s covered in snow.
No, potassium bicarbonate.
“Cool thyself!”
“What the? What was I talking about?”
Coquettishly, she laughs and laughs as she slides down the wall and crumples into herself onto the floor.
“You sprayed me with the fire extinguisher!” he says, wiping what looks like whipped cream from his chest onto the floor in clots.
She once filled a pie tin with cream she beat herself into stiff peaks, whispering into the lactose, “You will not.”
But that was a long time ago.
“You’re too hot for me! Get it? Cool thyself? I put out your fire…”
“You could never put out this fire, baby.”
She rolls her eyes so that he could see, so that it hurt.
“I’m sorry I love my wife.”
“I’m not your wife, I’m a witch!” Now she’s in tears again. Sobbing, she bursts into a dozen bats. All of them skitter through his thinning hair. He catches one, and smears potassium bicarbonate all over its leather wings.
“Now you can’t leave.”
She comes to, white foam in her hair. “I’ll put the kids to bed,” she says, resigned, defeated.
“I have that email to write,” he offers, she knows.
“It’s fine, really.”
He draws a heart with his pointer finger in the foam on his chest.
She reads the children a story about a magic fish who gives all of her friends one of her rainbow scales, so they can all feel as pretty as the fish once did. The mother cries in the shower, thinks about burning the book. She might be having a mental breakdown.
He’s on the couch digging through the bucket of Halloween candy that’s nearly been picked clean.
“Any Snickers?”
“Ha! No.”
“I don’t even like Snickers.”
She puts her foot in his lap and he takes it in his hand and starts to massage her tender spots, but before he can switch to her other foot he turns back into a frog.
Stairwell Talk
By Nathan Hill
I find you sitting at the top of the stairs, cradling the building’s fire extinguisher in your lap. You must have heard me coming—I’d taken the stairs the whole way, floor after floor, feeling every step in those places where work makes itself known to the body. Despite this, I refuse the elevator. The night feels more complete this way, a long end to a long day. You look me up and down.
“Good shift?”
No. But you already know that. “You’re usually not awake right now. What’s going on?”
You shrug. The fire extinguisher rolls back and forth in your lap with the touch of your fingertips. “Just thinking.”
“And your friend there in your lap, that’s helping you think?” I take a few more steps up. We’re only a few feet apart.
“Well, that’s what I’m thinking about,” you explain. I raise my eyebrows, and you press on. “Couldn’t sleep. So I knock on your door so we can hang out or whatever, but your little roommate Matt comes to the door instead and says you’re still at work—very rude of you, by the way—and Matt’s eating that disgusting soup, the one he eats out of the can, you know what I’m talking about?”
“Clam chowder.”
“Yes!” Your eyes widen. “Yeah, it’s clam chowder and he doesn't even slop it out into a bowl. Like, first of all, clam chowder is gross—”
“Wrong,” I interject.
“Shut up. It is. And he still has it in the stupid can, and I know that shit isn’t evenly heated. Awful! What was I talking about?”
“Fire extinguisher.”
“Right. So you’re not home, whatever, I’m wandering the halls because you’ve abandoned me, and I see the fire extinguisher, so I was going to do an experiment.”
“What kind of experiment?”
“What do you think would happen if I tossed this down the stairs?”
I laugh. “I don’t know. World might end.”
You lean forward. “We could find out.”
A half smile plays across your lips. The buzzy white of the fluorescents glares a halo around you. You expect me to say no—maybe that’s why you stayed up, for me to find you, take the canister from you, walk you to your door. But I don’t know, I think I’m tired of being reasonable. I think I want to surprise you.
Your face lights up.
We hold the extinguisher between us, hands over hands, as we stand at the top of the stairs. “Ready?” you huff. “Okay—one, two, release!”
We draw back and let it sail. It wobbles through the air and lands with a dull clunk, clunk, clunk, before rolling to a stop. We’re out of breath.
“That was disappointing,” you say. We’re shoulder to shoulder.
“A little.” I look over. You don’t look disappointed—you’re wearing an easy grin. I’m grinning too. There’s a moment where we’re very still, shoulder to shoulder, face to face. Then, you wink.
“Walk me to my door?”
In a Basement in Utah
By Karly Marshall
Gabriel is sitting on an uncomfortable couch nestled in the gut of somebody else’s house. It’s crowded; swatches of human technicolour dance in laggy movements around him and if he focuses on them for too long he feels ill. He’s thinking about the space heater. It’s too warm in the basement and it smells of sweat and three distinct types of burning: cigarettes, marijuana, and something sharper, electrical. The space heater, if Gabriel had to guess. It’s somewhere in the opposite corner and, though his vision is too blurred to see clearly from where he sits, he imagines the heater snarling in protest to its overuse, like something from a cartoon. It makes him laugh. He worries the thing will burn the house down.
Despite the bustle of his fellow party-goers, Gabriel is lonely. He’s also more than a little drunk, and the indistinguishable little pill one of his buddies gave him an hour ago is beginning to take effect. He sinks further into the cushions and feels the springs poke into his spine. His movement reveals something, or rather someone new to his left; a girl, blurry as she is, is leaning against the wall and watching him with wide, dark eyes. The skin of her face is pale-white and stark against the candy-red of her long hair. She’s pretty, Gabriel thinks.
He waves, the motion a stuttered blur in his peripheral vision.
The girl doesn’t wave back.
She smiles, though, her thin lips stretching. Though those lips don’t seem to part, he hears her whisper something. Her voice is beautiful and so quiet, caressed by the melody of whatever strange song carries through the booming stereo.
“I’m Gabe,” he says. “It’s, like, nice to meet you.”
The girl doesn’t say anything. Her lips stretch wide in another smile.
“Do you go to the Arts Academy?” Gabriel asks, quirking a brow. He thinks he sees her give a small nod. “Makes sense. You look like the artsy type.”
He gestures vaguely at the crown of her head. “I like your hair clip thing.” It’s silver and oddly shaped. She probably made it, if she’s an artist—he means to ask her but the weight of her beauty distracts him. He’s never seen a girl with such bright red hair before.
Gabriel shakes the fog from his head, laughs. “What was I talking about?” Whatever it was whisks itself away.
She’s whispering again, something hushed and confessional and leaning forward—or maybe he’s leaning forward, or maybe they both are—Gabriel can’t tell. They talk forever. She’s shy and declines Gabriel’s invite to sit beside him on the couch. She whispers all her secrets and he whispers all of his. The party thins, the music fades and Gabriel finds himself sitting in comfortable silence with a strange, quiet girl he may be half-way in love with.
All the while, huddled around the space heater in the opposite corner, Gabriel’s friends trade theories as to why he’s making eyes at the wall-mounted fire extinguisher.
An Exercise in Silence
By Lydia Osborn
The first time I met Milo DuPont he kissed me and I hit him over the head with a fire extinguisher. Unfortunately, due to the human brain being a squishy meat sack floating around in soup, his concussion was rather severe. I can’t say I felt particularly bad about it – men who don’t ask before kissing someone don’t stir much sympathy in me – but he apologized profusely for misreading me and he looked so pathetic lying in that hospital bed and it’s not like I had anything better to do, so I spent weeks with him at his flat helping the bruising on his brain go down. Instead of being angry or resentful of our meeting, he was kind. Initially I wrote it off as confusion, but we’ve been together for three years now and I’ve begun to wonder if he was ever confused at all.
Our first real date was to a cinema to see a cute animated movie about a cat living through the apocalypse. There was no dialogue, but I remember watching those big yellow eyes navigate the world and marveling at how I understood the cat simply by observing.
“I kept waiting for the cat to talk,” Milo said at the end.
“No!” I protested. “It would have ruined it. Sometimes you have to meet the characters in their own world.”
“Nightcap at mine?” he offered, his fingers threaded through mine.
“Just a nightcap,” I insisted.
He looked a bit guilty at that and part of me wanted to run, but maybe this time would be different.
“That wasn’t a joke,” I continued. “I don’t do “nightcaps”, not the kind that you’re thinking of.”
He chuckled and asked why. The dreaded question. I pulled my hand away from his. It was easier to explain when I wasn’t touching someone, to avoid mixed signals.
“I’m not wired like that. I don’t feel in that way,” I said. I hoped he would end it there. I knew he wouldn't.
“Ah, so that’s why you’re so cold,” he murmured.
“No,” I said sharply.
Startled, he asked, “You don’t think you’re cold?”
“No, I am, but not because of that,” I said. I wanted to laugh, to hear his comment as a
joke, but I couldn’t quite make myself.
“I have a great jacket collection,” he said lightly. “Might help with the cold.”
“It’s not a disease,” I snapped.
“Not any more than wanting sex is a disease, no,” he said, grinning. That time I laughed easily. For once I wasn’t the joke or the robot that replaces sex with world domination.
“Isn’t that a relationship? What you’re talking about,” I asked warily.
“That’s up to you. What was I talking about?” he countered.
A life, I hoped. Love, despite everything. It’s been three years, and he still jokes about me being cold, but he listens to the cold, and understands it, and has stopped offering me jackets to stave it off.
Hamish and Judith
By Michał Przywara
Judith looked up from her crossword when the old man sauntered into the rec room and proclaimed, “Rejoice! I am arrived!”
Not a second later, a younger man and one of the nurses hustled in.
“Dad!” said the younger. “You need your walker!”
“Bah! Looks better on you.”
Judith allowed the faintest grin. The man was unusually lively, for this dreary place.
“Oh?” said the man, approaching her. “And who do we have here?”
Judith rolled her eyes and returned to her crossword.
“What a lovely young lady.”
In this place, it was the lamest, most clichéd, completely worn out flirt there could possibly be. And also, the most welcome.
“My name’s Hamish.” He held out his hand.
“Judith.” She didn’t shake.
“Well, I think I might like it here after all, Judy.”
She picked up her crossword and left.
At lunch some days later, he sat down with her and Mabel. They talked civilly of civil disobedience, but that led Hamish to threaten, “I’ll go on strike! The state of this pancake is unacceptable. This place is horrid!”
“It’s not so bad,” Judith said. “Although, it used to be quiet.”
“Nonsense.” He pointed across the room. “See that fire extinguisher? Bet you it doesn’t even work.”
Hamish clomped to it and turned it on, spraying foam everywhere. The room erupted in shock and laughter, and the poor overworked staff rushed in to fix things.
It was most certainly not funny, Judith thought, hiding her chuckle behind her hand.
Tragedy struck a week later, when Albert Greenberg’s heart gave out. Judith and her friends sat on the rec room couches, and commiserated about it, but then–
Oh no, she thought, as Hamish approached. This somber moment was no time for antics.
But he sat and commiserated too, and when he offered up a story of his own passed away wife, it opened the door for everyone to share stories of their departed loved ones.
It was a touching send off for Albert.
A few days later, the morning sun shone so welcomingly that Judith simply had to go for a walk. A small park sat beside their home, and with any luck there’d be ducks on the pond.
Alas, she didn’t make it fifty feet before Hamish called out to her, following.
“Mind if I tag along?”
“Would you listen if I said yes?”
“And without your walker. Won’t your son be mad?”
“I won’t tell if you won’t. Besides, there’s something I wanted to tell you. It’s important. Listen–ooh!” Hamish interrupted himself, pointing to the lake. “Look at those ducks!”
The birds got him walking down memory lane, and he told her of one lovely summer many years ago, where he’d go feeding ducks with his grandson every day.
“Oh, but I get distracted so easily,” he said. “What was I talking about?”
“You were about to tell me I have beautiful eyes.”
“Right, Judith!”
She took his hand.
“Call me Judy.”