The Jerboa Lit 500 is a weekend-long flash fiction contest!

It’s short, it’s fun, and your story could win $1,000.

We send you a prompt, and your 500-word story is due 48 hours later. The prompt will include a genre, an item, and a phrase. Your story must subsequently fit in that genre, include that item, and use the phrase verbatim, all while being under the 500-word limit. All parts of the prompt are randomly selected out of a hat (see prompt section). It’s very exciting.

A jerboa mouse reading a book



The parts of the prompt are as follows: 

GENRE: While there are no specific story elements that absolutely must appear in your piece of fiction in order to have it count towards the selected genre, the judges will expect your story to reflect, stretch, play with, distort, or embrace the traditional fundamentals of the genre assignment. For more information on these fundamentals, please see the Genre Descriptions page.

ITEM: An item which must physically appear in the story, whether in the present action or in a flashback. An example:

ITEM: canteen

A few acceptable possible uses in story:

  • Two characters share a drink from the canteen.

  • A character punts a canteen into the ocean.

  • A character stretches out their hand for a canteen, which is just out of reach.

A few unacceptable possible uses in story:

  • Two characters discuss a cool new canteen one of them saw in a magazine.

  • A character sees a sign for a new club in town called CHARLIE’S CANTEEN

  • A character receives a note that reads “bring me the canteen at midnight”

PHRASE: The phrase will be a maximum of five (5) words and must be incorporated verbatim into the text, although it can be used as dialogue and end with whatever punctuation you choose. An example: 

Phrase: the butterfly flapped its wings 

Acceptable possible uses in story: 

  • “No way!” David shouted. “The butterfly flapped its wings?”

  • Around the bend the lion roared, and the butterfly flapped its wings. 

  • When the butterfly flapped its wings, David screamed. 

Unacceptable possible uses in story: 

  • With the butterfly flapping its wings, the cat couldn’t catch it. (changed the tense of “flapped”) 

  • The wings of the butterfly flapped as it flew away. (although the concept of a butterfly flapping its wings is present here, the phrase has been rearranged) 

  • The butterfly—aloft in the air by now—flapped its wings. (the sentence is here verbatim, but it’s been split by an aside — must be verbatim and consecutive)


In order to choose the Genre, Item, and Phrase that make up the contest prompt, several possible Genres, Items, and Phrases will be written on slips of paper and randomized inside a hat. The judges will draw one (1) Genre, one (1) Item, and one (1) Phrase from the hat, at which point the Prompt will be complete and the contest will begin. Video of the drawings will be posted to the website at, and the drawings will be streamed at for those who want to watch it live.







Entrants can sign up to participate in the Jerboa Lit 500 short fiction contest at the Jerboa Lit website: 

At the time of sign up, a submission fee of $25 is due. The entrant is then added to the email list and will be sent a reminder email 1 week before the contest prompt is revealed. They will then be emailed on FRIDAY, JUNE 27, at 10:00 PM CDT with the contest prompt. They will have until MONDAY, JUNE 30, at 12:01 PM CDT to submit their stories. Entries close at 9:00 PM CDT on FRIDAY, JUNE 27, so be sure to sign up before then!

In addition to receiving the prompt via email on JUNE 27, the prompt will also be posted on this website.


Entrants can submit their stories via the link included in the prompt email.

Stories must be uploaded in the following format: 

  • Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) or .pdf file 

  • Times New Roman, 12-point font 

  • Title at the top

Please do not include entrant name in the story document. At the time of uploading, the form will ask for your name and email, but the submissions themselves are anonymized for judging. 

After the contest closes on MONDAY, JUNE 30, at 12:01 AM CDT, the judges will begin reviewing all submissions over a 2-amonth period. The results will be announced on AUGUST 29, 2025. All entrants will receive the results via email on the same date, and the winners will also be posted on the following site:

Winners will be paid within 1 month after the contest closes!


All authors retain the rights to their own work at all points in the contest. Jerboa will email the winners to obtain their permission to post the winning stories on the Jerboa website and share them on the Jerboa social media accounts. The winners are also free to submit their short stories elsewhere even after they’ve been published on the site.


The story should be a maximum of 500 words. There is no minimum word count, and the title of the story does not count towards the 500 word maximum.


No friends, family, or persons with a close relationship to the Jerboa Lit judges and administration are eligible to submit.


If an entrant is found to have used ChatGPT (or similar AI programs) in the creation of their story, they will be disqualified from the competition. Please write your own work!